What Must Young Indian Politicians do for India to Progress?

Spearheaded by young politicians, India is on the verge of an economic revolution. The country is on its way to becoming one of the world’s leading superpowers. It already is part of the BRICS (Brazil Russia India China South Africa) group which make up the fastest growing economies in the world.

Young politicians of India hold the key to its future

Young politicians of India hold the key to its future

However, since the past few years, the country seems to have fallen into a rut, bordering on stagflation – where progress is stagnated but inflation keeps rising. Government officers have been guilty of policy paralysis and there has been no dearth of scams. These have negatively impacted investor sentiment and business growth, both of which have seen down slides. Many foreign companies which wanted to invest billions of dollars in the country and increase jobs have been stalled because the government failed to take action.

The current situation of the country needs improvement. Young political leaders of India need to take some tough decisions and stick to them. Subsidies, various state-specific taxes and improper policies are hurting India more than helping it to grow. Service tax, excise duty, octroi and state-imposed taxes mean commodity prices differ from state to state. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and Public Distribution of Food (PDS) make labour and food more expensive for common man respectively.

Tough decisions have to be made to restore India’s economic momentum. Subsidies being offered on fuel are increasing India’s fiscal deficit, but not offering subsidies will directly impact inflation. This is because expensive diesel will invariably lead to hike in food prices. Also, not reimbursing oil and electricity companies for their losses hampers their ability to produce more fuel and electricity. Many policies like these are double-edged swords which have to be balanced carefully by the government.

Elder politicians are always comfortable with the way things are. Young political leaders of India, however, have a lot of fire in their blood. They don’t just want things to be the way they are; they want India to develop and its people to progress. They want more investment in the country. They want to develop infrastructure (buildings, roadways, airports, etc.), encourage more jobs to be produced, further develop and incentivize agriculture, reduce prices and hasten rural development. They have the spark and zeal needed to help India progress.

It’s important for us to support these young Indian politicians and encourage them to take bold decisions. Implementing these bold decisions will pave the way for India’s growth and development. Politicians like Milind Deora, Agatha Sangma, Prashant Thakur, Sachin Pilot, Priya Dutt, Arvind Kejriwal, Navin Jindal and others are working hard to ensure the population of India gets the life it deserves. They are driving people to bring progress and development. Various age-old redundant Acts are being abolished and new market sensitive policies are replacing them. It’s necessary that we elect the right leaders and stand behind them. These young politicians of India, along with the youth population, are the future of this country.

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