Narendra Modi’s 1st Independence Day Speech to India Decoded

Narendra Modi’s first Independence Day speech was an absolute dynamite. One of the most eagerly awaited speeches destroyed convention and exceeded expectations of most Indian citizens, except probably the Modi haters.

Narendra Modi’s 1st Independence Day Speech

Narendra Modi’s 1st Independence Day Speech

Narendra Modi elaborated on a lot of his plans for India. He said he wants to give the tourism industry a boost so that everyone from hotel industries to chai waalas and rickshaw drivers can earn money. He wants to encourage manufacturing in India by sending out a message to multinationals – Come. Make in India. Since electronic goods are the 2nd highest imported goods in India, this move will help reign in our trade deficit. Also, he wants ‘Made in India’ to mean something and believes that this will further encourage exports from India. The Indian government is already in talks with IBM and other major players to equip more rural people with bank accounts. Most people have mobile phones but not bank accounts. He also is launching a Parliament Scheme, the blueprint of which will be shared on 11th October. Under this scheme, each state government will be funded to make one village in their state a model village and gradually increase that number. This will be a good campaigning point in the 2014 Maharashtra Elections.

The Prime Minister of India touched upon many topics which are otherwise considered a taboo by Indian politicians. He attacked the ‘mera kya’ attitude of Indians, wherein we Indians only care about our benefit in doing anything. He said this is one reason that our country doesn’t progress. He also spoke about how molestation and harassment news of women makes us hang our head in shame. Daughters are questioned about where they are going by parents all the time, but do parents dish out the same treatment to sons? We need more control on sons as part of the attempt to rein in such horrific incidents. He said that lack of toilets in rural areas is a huge inconvenience for women since they have to wait till dark to step out. These issues cause health-related problems for those women and need to be addressed as soon as possible. He also spoke against female infanticide and abortions. We must not kill the foetus in a woman’s stomach simply because it won’t help increase our wealth. Modi said he was also pained by the amount of in-fighting within the government. Various departments approaching the Supreme Court against each other is unproductive.

Narendra Modi didn’t make any comments against any party/politician. He called on the Indian citizens to help him cleanse India of environmental and political filth. He has set us an audacious (but achievable) target of cleaning our country before Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday on 2nd October, 2019.

Ahead of the 2014 Maharashtra Elections and those in 10 other states, this speech comes as a challenge to all young Indian politicians. Can they help Narendra Modi achieve all he wants to for India? What does the Indian population think of this? The results will be visible in Maharashtra elections. This is the time for young Indian politicians to prove themselves. Modi has shown that he is ready to break away from mainstream and challenge the status quo. They now can implement policies which would otherwise not be allowed by elder politicians. Modi says that if his people work 12 hours, he will work 13. If they work 14 hours, he will work 15. Because he doesn’t consider himself the Prime Minister. He considers himself the Prime Servant. It’s time young Indian politicians live up to people’s expectations also.