Panvel Development through Young Indian Politicians

If we were to read history, we would see many examples of circumstances when young people with ideas were regarded as arrogant. And this is not because they are, but it is because it was difficult for the elders to accept that someone with less experience can have the necessary knowledge to run a community, moreover a country.

Even literature depicts how traditional communities listen to only what elders say; and whatever they have suggested must be carried out by all members of the community. But today, developments in Panvel are breaking that tradition because people are starting to realize that even the young bloods can rule with a certain degree of maturity that will bring benefit to the community.

Panvel development through  young indian politicians

Panvel development is a great example of how young Indian politicians are able to make a big difference. Panvel used to be an ignored city and was overlooked for its potential, but today, the city is hopeful of surpassing expectations and performing better than Navi Mumbai through the development it is currently going through. And those hopes are becoming more real because now, the city is attracting a lot of infrastructure developers, especially because the government has approved the construction of an international airport in the area. Once Panvel development is done, it is expected that the cost of land in the area will be more expensive than it is a few years ago.

The following are some of the Panvel development projects done on the city.

  • The government has given approval for the construction of an international airport that will handle some two million passengers who will be flying in and from Mumbai. Most importantly, this airport is supposed to complement another international airport, Chatrapati Shivaj so that the current massive number of flights is handled properly.
  • The flow of traffic will be better because of the construction of an elevated bridge that goes across the city.
  • In addition to this bridge, a six lane road was constructed from Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) to NH 17 in order to lessen heavy traffic flow to and from the city.
  • The city has opened its doors to people looking for opportunities of townships in the city through land acquisition and large infrastructure companies.
  • There have been grants from the government and the MMRDA for the concreting of roads. There have been incentives for agriculture as well.

Further more, young Indian politicians are taking the initiative to work hard for further improvements and developments. They have been regularly doing charitable activities such as providing notebooks for school children who need them most, and taking care of the aged people by providing them with umbrellas, among others.

Indeed, young Indian politicians are proving themselves in the public eye by getting involved in social problems. In the past, citizens have cried for the government to take action and not simply to listen to their grievances. Today, citizens of Panvel are enjoying the benefits of being led by the younger generation of politicians because so far, they have seen many improvements which have made the city more promising.

Young Indian Politicians must Fix Ailing India’s Problems

Ahead of the 2014 Maharashtra elections and those in 10 other states, some issues continue to plague the Indian economy. Of them, inflation remains the biggest concern. Basically, inflation is the increase in price of goods over the past. These goods are food items, luxury goods and anything which can be sold.

Ailing India

Ailing India

Inflation is measured through 2 indices – Wholesale Price Index (WPI) and Consumer Price Index (CPI). As the terms suggest, WPI measures the increase of wholesale prices, while CPI measures how much increase in prices impact common man. The government declares inflation in terms of WPI, but it is CPI which impacts common man more.

Since the past 5 years, prices of primary foods i.e. foods which are consumed daily by people have increased almost 200%. Onions, tomatoes, chillies, sugar and other food prices have more than doubled, causing pain to common man. It has hurt daily wage workers more, who rely on onions for their daily diet of zunka bhakar. Fruits and dairy products have not been spared either, with prices rising so quickly that it’s only the rich who can afford them regularly.

The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) has caused the cost of labour for agriculture to increase. Still, there hasn’t been a drastic depletion in the output of food grains despite the declared draught in the past 2 years. However, there has been a shortage of food in the market, leading to price rise. Most people in India are now of the opinion that this shortage is artificially induced due to hoarding. This occurs when the middlemen (read wholesalers) deliberately store food grains and prevent them from being sold in the market. The scarcity leads to increase in price which invariably translates into more profit for the middlemen. These middlemen have large cartels which are in good standings with major politicians, meaning they get away with such illegal activities and make money at the expense of common and poor man.

Young politicians of India have to step in to take action. They have to fix these problems of artificially induced shortages and draughts at the root. This means improving irrigation channels for agriculture and eliminating middlemen from trade. Irrigation channels are in pitiable condition, ignored since decades by the government. Millions of litres of rainwater each year get wasted because of lack of infrastructure to harvest them. If irrigation technology is improved, India will not have to suffer from water shortage in fields. Also, it is no secret middlemen have had a long standing relationship with senior politicians. Young politicians have to implement policies which remove middlemen from the picture and allow farmers directly to deal with retailers. This will ensure farmers get fairly paid for their yield and common man gets food for right prices. Lower economic classes will be able to afford food more often and the nutrition index of India will improve.

India is at an important junction right now. From here, the country can either become a force to reckon with, or fade away into oblivion like many other countries which promised much more. The torch of development and progress has to be taken up by young Indian politicians who place the country before themselves. A population of more than 120 crore people depends upon them.

Will the Panvel Development Story be Different from that of Navi Mumbai?

Development in Panvel has been at record pace lately. Panvel, the city which is the gateway to the MMR – Mumbai Metropolitan Region, is set to become the new gateway to Maharashtra’s hinterland. This city has been a middle-class area, while other nodes of Navi Mumbai have been affluent. However, while the lack of government will to push for progress might hurt Navi Mumbai, it’s unlikely that such issues will plague Panvel’s development.

Panvel development

Panvel development

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The powers and functions of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly

The governance in India consists of a three tier system. In this the Central or the Union Government holds the highest position. The State Government holds the second highest position or is the second tier followed by the District Municipalities and Panchayats in the respective states and districts which forms the third tier.

The Maharashtra Legislative Assembly or the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha is known as the lower house of the dual legislature of Maharashtra. The MLA in Maharashtra works out of the capital city of Mumbai, that is, at Nariman Point in south Mumbai. At present there are 288 members of the Assembly that are elected directly, apart from the one member which is nominated. The Maharashtra Vidhan Parishad is known to be the upper house and the members are indirectly elected with the help of an electoral college.

MLA In Maharashtra

MLA In Maharashtra

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3 Social Media savvy Politicians of Maharashtra

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. Facebook and Twitter tend to provide news faster than most news channels today. Celebrities, sports stars and corporate head honchos are present on these sites so that they can keep in touch with people. They keep their fans and followers informed of latest updates, promote their work and listen to what people have to say.

Lately, many politicians have also taken to social media like a fish to water. The best examples are Arvind Kejriwal and our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Their updates on Facebook and Twitter keep us informed about latest happenings and future plans.

young political leaders of india

Pratap Sarnaik, Prashant Thakur and Jitendra Awhad – Young Political Leaders of India

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Young Politicians the Key Change To Politics

As said that, for the development of any country, youth plays a very important role. We have being seeing that the youth are nowadays participating in many a streams and with goal to change it. Majority of successful infancy are Indians that have made India proud with their work in their field. Young faces of India are seen in fields of Medical, Science, and Technology and now we are observing these infancy diverting their interest into politics.

young political leaders

young political leaders

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Panvel and Kharghar Development

Panvel is one of the developed zones is the district as well as in Navi Mumbai. The tremendous amount of change for the good in the oldest and the most populated city of Raigad district can be clearly seen. Panvel was basically originated 300 years ago. Real-estate has been developed at a very fast rate because of various reasons.

Panvel development

Panvel development

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Women and the political parties of Maharashtra Elections 2014

Where do the women stand among the politicians of the country, do they have a say in the decision making process or are they deprived their right in this field too?

Maharashtra election 2014

Maharashtra election 2014

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Youth Indian Politicians Plays an Important Role in Politics

Democracy; what do you think this term means? Is it that the country is been run by people above age 60 and elected by half of their age? If this is the case, then are we really satisfied of it? You must ask this question to yourself and try to find the answer. But, if you look at today’s fact figure, you will see that now young Indian politicians are nowadays more active than any other.

young Indian politicians

young Indian politicians

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What we expect from our politicians

Ask the common man about his wishes from the country’s leaders, he would scream enough food, a good job and a lasting peace.

Ask any 18 year youngster who is about to cast the first political vote, and listen to what they have to say. The youngsters of this day are more aware and make sure they make a conscious decision. And while they exercise their franchise, they deliver this knowledge to everyone around, and make sure everyone does vote too.

young political leaders

young political leaders

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